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Level 1 Echocardiography Courses

In 2020 the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) launched the Level 1 Echocardiography minimum dataset. This aimed to introduce Echocardiography designed to be accessible to echocardiography practitioners from a wide variety of backgrounds, and has, at its ultimate aim, the achievement and maintenance of high standards of clinical echocardiography to rule out life threatening and immediately reversible pathology in a time frame appropriate to the acute emergency patient. To ensure that appropriate standards are achieved and maintained in Level 1 Echocardiography the BSE launched a formal Accreditation in Level 1 Echocardiography process in 2022.














Echo Quality Solutions LTD. (EQS) is dedicated to education in Echocardiography. In November 2023 EQS organised and ran a highly successful Level 1 Echo Course in Cambridge (programme). Due to the success of this course Echo Quality Solutions LTD. is planning further courses in 2024. All Level 1 Echo Courses are designed to introduce delegates to focused echocardiography and cover the British Society of Echocardiography Level 1 syllabus. The courses are particularly relevant for  doctors involved in the care of acutely ill patients who wish to develop focused bedside echocardiography skills; most specifically doctors specialising in emergency medicine, acute medicine, anaesthetics and cardiology. The courses are also suitable for junior physiologists/healthcare scientists. Attendance at one of the EQS Level 1 Echo Courses will help prepare those delegates who are considering starting the BSE accreditation process and will consolidate the knowledge and expertise of those who have already begun it. 


The Level 1 Echo Courses consists of a pre-recorded lecture series followed by an in-person, hands-on interactive teaching day. 


The lecture series covers the assessment of cardiac size and function, valvular disease, volume status and the pericardium with each lecture being based on the British Society of Echocardiography Level 1 syllabus. Delegates have access to this material for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the in-person teaching day by login into the portal once registration is completed. 


On the teaching day there is an introductory talk followed by a lecture on machine optimisation (including physics of ultrasound). Thereafter delegates are divided into two groups (12 - 18 delegates per group) that will alternate between classroom style case based discussions and multi-station, supervised, hands-on practical echocardiography (2 - 3 delegates per station). The stations will include live models and pathology simulators. 


Course  Dates & Cost: To be confirmed


Terms and Conditions

Hands on demo 4_11_23.JPG
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Register for the Level 1 Echocardiography course
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